Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (한국농공학회지)
- Volume 11 Issue 4
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- Pages.1798-1802
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- 1969
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- 0253-3146(pISSN)
Studies on the Durability of Mortars
모르타르의 내구성에 관한 연구
The experiment was carried out as one of the basic studies to improve the alkali-resistance of cement mortars and it was conducted to investigate some propetties of mortars relating to weight losses when exposed to 0.1 N salution of sodium hydroxide. The experiment and the results obtained are summarized as follow; 1. The specimens used in this experiment were made of 5 centi-meter cubes of mortar having such various ratios of mix by weight as 1 : 1, 1 : 3, 1 : 5, 1 : 7 and 1 : 10. 2. Physical tests included compressive strengths at 7 days, 28 days, 3 months, and 6 month, and 5 hour boiling absorption test. 3. In alkali test, every specimen was immersed into 0.1 N solutions of sodium hydroxide. The specimens exposed to the alkali solution were weighed to determine the weight losses of the alkail-corroded at one week interval for 7 week's exposure and the old alkali solutions were also changed to fresh solutions when weighed the weight losses by alkali attack at one week interval. 4. According to the alkail test after 7 week's exposure, no weight losses were observed on ratios of mix 1:1 and 1:3 and slight weight losses occurred on ratios of mix 1:5 and 1:7, but relatively large amount of weight losses were showed by 36.6 per-cent on ratios of mix 1:10. It was also found that the weight losses of the alkali-corroded were extremely lower than those of the acid-corroded at the some concentrations as 0.1 N of solutions. 5. In order to make better quality of alkali-resistant mortar it might recomend that a 1:7 mix or richemixes, use of small amount of mixing water for watertight, 20 per cent or less absorption by 5 hour boiling 1,600 kirogram per cubic meters or denser densities by absolute dry base are available for physical properties of mortar. It could conclude acid-resistant mortars were so high alkali-resistant, that it is expected to make and improve the acid-resistant mortars for getting rid of damages by alkali attack.
이 실험(實驗)은 시멘트모르타트를 0.1N-NaOH의 알카리용액(溶液)에 침지(浸漬)시켜 alkali작용(作用)에 의한 모르타르의 부식(腐蝕)이 모르타르의 물리적(物理的) 성질(性質)에 미치는 영향을 구명(究明)하여 내고기성 모르타르 또는 콘크리트의 배합설계(配合設計)에 기초자료를 제시(提示)하고저 기도(企圖)하였던 바 이를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 가. 공시체(供試體)는 5cm입방체(立方體)의 모르타르로서 그 배합비(配合比)(중량(重量))는 1:1, 1:3, 1:5, 1:7, 1:10의 5종(種)을 만들어 사용(使用)하였다. 나. 공시체(供試體)의 물리시험(物理試驗)은 재령(材令) 7일(日), 28일(日), 3개월(個月) 6개월(個月)의 압축강도시험(壓縮强度試驗)과 5시간(時間) 자비(煮沸)의 흡수율시험(吸水率試驗)을 하였다. 다. 알카리시험(試驗)에서는 0.1N-NaOh 용액(溶液)을 사용(使用)하고 7일간격(日間隔)으로 감량(減量)을 7주간(週間) 계속(繼續) 측정(測定)하였다. 라. 알카리작용(作用)에 의(依)한 모르타르의 부식(腐蝕)은 배합비(配合比) 1:1, 1:3에서는 전연(全然) 생기지 않았고 1:5와 1:7에서 7주후(週后) 각각(各各) 3.5%와 6.26%로서 미량(微量)이였으나 1:10에서는 36.6%의 상당(相當)한 감량율(減量率)이였다. 그러나 같은 농도(濃度)의 고산용액에서는 같은 침액기간(浸液期間)(7주간(週間))을 통(通)해서 감량율(減量率)을 보면 배합비(配合比) 1:1에서 20.4% 1:3에서 25.1%, 1:5에서 56.8%, 1:7에서 72.2% 그리고 1:10에서 92.0%이므로 알카리의 작용(作用)에 의한 모르타르의 부식(腐蝕)은 산(酸)의 작용(作用)에 의한 부식(腐蝕)에 비(比)해서 극(極)히 적다는 것을 알 수 있다. 마. 보다 내고기성 모르타르를 만들기 위하여 배합비(配合比)를 1:7 또는 더 부배합(富配合)이고 흡수율(吸水率)은 5시간(時間) 자비(煮沸)하였을 때 20% 이하(以下) 밀도(密度)는