Phenylmercuric 8-oxyquinolinate 및 phenylmercuric acetate가 호마엽고병균의 호흡작용에 미치는 영향

Effect of phenylmercuric 8-oxyquinolinate and phenylmercuric acetate on respiration of Cochliobolus miyabeanus

  • Kim K. C. (Coll. Of Agr. Chunnam Nation. Univ.) ;
  • Suh Y. T. (Coll. Of Agr. Chunnam Nation. Univ.)
  • 발행 : 1968.12.01


본 실험에 있어서는 phenylmercuric acetate에 못지 않은 살균력을 나타낸다고 보고된 phenylemercuric 8-oxyquinolinate를 phenylmercuric acetate 와 대비시켜 벼 고마엽고병균 에 대하여 먼저 균체의 건물량에 의한 균사발육 효과를 확인하고 포자 및 균사의 호흡 저해효과를 검토한 바 그 결과를 보고하는 바이다. (1) 균사발육 억제효과를 보면 phenylmercuric 8-oxyquinolinate는 phenylmercuric acetate보다 약간 떨어지나 현저한 차이는 없으며, 양자 모두 0.01ppm부터 1.0ppm까지의 사이에서 급격히 발육 억제효과가 증가한다. (2) 포자효흡 저해작용은 0.1ppm을 제외하고는 phenylmercuric acetate가 phenylmercuric 8-oxyquinolinate보다 약간 강하나 뚜렷한 차이는 인정할 수 없으며 0.01ppm에서는 거의 저해효과가 없는 듯하다. (3) 균사호흡 저해작용은 포자호흡과는 반대로 phenylmercuric 8-oxyquinolinate 가 phenylmercuric acctate 보다 강하며, 또한 그 차도 커서 약 $10\%$쯤 된다. (4) 이상의 결과로 미루어 보아 phenylmercuric 8-oxyquinolinate의 포자발아 억제효과는 phenylmercuric acetate와 동정도이거나 약간 높으며, 균사발육 억제효과는 phenylmercuric acetate보다 낮음이 명백하다.

The effect of respiratory inhibition was investigated by treating conidia or mycelium of Cochliobolus miyabeanus with phenylmercuric 8-oxyquinolinate (PMQ) or. phenylmercuric acetate (PMA) in terms of $O_2$ up take ul/mg dry weight of cells. The results obtained are as follows: 1. In inhibition of mycelial growth, PMQ gave somewhat less effective than PMA, hut there was no remarkable difference between them, and the two indicated strong inhibitory effect on mycelial growth at the range from 0.01 to 1.0 ppm. 2. In inhibition of conidial respiration, PMA gave somewhat stronger than PMQ except at 0.1ppm, but there was no notable difference between them, and it seemed that there was no inhibitory effect at 0.01ppm. 3. PMQ was stronger than PMA in inhibition of mycelial respiration as compared with the cibudail respiration, ration, and the difference between them was about $10\%$. 4. According to the above results, the inhibitory effect of spore germimation by PMQ was the same as to PMA or somewhat lower than that of PMA. The inhibitiry effect of PMQ on mycelial growth was lower than that of PMA.
