Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 5_6
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- Pages.39-46
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- 1968
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Effects of N. P. K. and sugar contents of different host-plants on the Biology of the fall web-worm, Hyphantria cunea DRURY
기주식물의 N.P.K. 및 Sugar의 함량이 흰불나방에 미치는 생물학적 영향
- Chung K. H. (The Radiation Agric, research Institute) ;
- Choi S. Y. (Coll. Of Agric., Seoul National Univ.)
- Published : 1968.12.01
This experiment was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sugar contents in the loaves of five different host plants on tile larval period, pupal period, pupal period, number of eggs in the ovary, and the tolerance of fall webworm larvae (Hyphantria cunea DRURY) to gamma-BHC. The results obtained in this study were as follows; 1. The contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sugar in tile leaves tested were varied with the species of the host plants and sampling time. 2. The larval and pupal periods were also varied with the host plants and generation of the fall webworm. The shortest larval and pupal periods were found in the mulberry and the longest ones in the apple tree, and their periods were shortened much more in the second generation. Except the relation between the larval period and tile nitrogen content in the first generation, significant correlation could not be found between their periods and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and surgar contents. The nitrogen contents among the other chemical factors, however, might be much more influenced on their developing period. 3. The pupal weight and number of eggs in the ovary were also varied with the host plants. sex, and generation. In both generations, the greatest pupal weight and number of eggs per female were found in the mulberry and the least ones in the apple tree. No significant correlation could be found between the pupal weight and number of eggs per female and the chemical factors analyzed. However, only the nitrogen content seemed to be highly related to the pupal weight and number of eggs. 4. The tolerance of the fall webworm larval to gamma-BHC was highly varied with the host plants. The host order o( the larval tolerance level to gamma-BHC was box-elder, popla, platanus, apple tree, and mulberry. There was no significant correlation between the larval tolerance to the BHC and the chemical factors analyzed. However, the larvae fed on the host plant with higher pottassium content were shown a tendency to be higher tolerant.
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