한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제5_6권
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- Pages.9-18
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- 1968
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
진딧물의 구기 및 기주식물에의 구침삽입 방법에 관한 형태학적 연구
Morphological studies on the mouth parts of aphids and the penetration of stylets into their host plants
주로 microtechnique를 이용하여 몇몇 아과에 속하는 진딧물 7종의 구기와 구침삽입방법에 관한 형태학적 연구를 함으로써 식물 virus병의 매개충인 진딧물에 대한 기초적 연구자료를 얻고자 본실험을 하였다. (1) 일반적인 구기의 구조에는 각종간차이가 없었다. (2) Toxoptera citricidus와 Chaitophorus chinensis에서 특히 진딧물의 구기를 자세히 관찰할 수 있었다. (3) Toxoptera citricidus에서는 수액부선이 수액선보다 다소 컸다. (4) Lachnus tropicalis 에서는 표피와 피층에서 인포내를 더 많이 통했고 기타종(Chaitopherus chinensis Myzus persicae, Aphis craccivora, Toxoptera citricidus)에서는 주로 세포간을 통하여 올피부에 도달했다. (5) 삽입흔적은 Eriosoma clemalis
Morphological studios on the mouth parts of some aphids belonging to 5 sub-families and on the penetration of stylets into their host plants were carried out in order to find out possible relationship between mouth parts and capability of virus transmission. 1. There were no differences between the aphid species in general morphology of mouth parts. 2. Mouth parts could be observed in detail especially in Toxoptera citricidus and Chaitophorus chinensis. 3. Accessory salivary gland was larger than principal salivary gland in Toxoptera citricidus. 4. In 4 species, e. g. Chaitophorus chinensis, Myzus persicae, Aphis craccivora, Toxoptem citricidus, the stylets were usually inserted in plant tissues intercellularly and reached phloem, however, in Lachnus tropicalis only intracellularly and in Eriosoma clemalis more frequently intracellularly. 5. The stylets tracks of Eriosoma clemalis, Lachnus tropicalis and Myzus persicae were clearly visible but not in Toxoptera citricidus, Chaitophorus chinensis and Aphis craccivora. The tracks were stained with yellowish brown or red brown. 6. Saliva was seceted between the cell walls in most species and some substances in saliva seem to cause loosend cell walls. 7. The penetration of the stylets might cause physiological disturbance to host plants and could make the host plants susceptible to the plant diseases.