배추흰나비의 變態에 따른 血球細胞의 組織化學的 硏究

Histochemical Study on the Hemocytes during Metamorphosis

  • 발행 : 1968.12.01


1. 變態時期에 따른 배추흰나비(Pieris rapae)의 血球를 組織化學的方法 및 autoradiographic method 에 의거하여 硏究하였다. 2.幼蟲, 전용 및 용기에서 形態의變化와 細胞內容物을 土臺로 血球細胞를 prohemocyte, plasmatocyte, podocyte, granular hemocyte, spherule cell 및 oenocytoid 의 6型으로 分類했다. 3, 幼蟲基에서 용기까지의 血球를 組織化學的으로 硏究하고 血球細胞內의 蛋白質, 核酸, 多糖類 및 脂質을 檢出하였으며, 成長 및 變態에 따른 그들 物質의 消長을 밝혔다, 4. Granular hemocyte 와 spherule cell 의 大部分의 顆粒은 glycogen, neutral mucopolysaccharide, mucoprotein 으로 되었고 neutral fat와 phospholipid 의 顆粒도 나타났다, 5. 細胞分裂像(mitotic figure) 과 tritium-thymidine 攝取세포 (DNA 合成細胞)를 幼蟲 2齡부터 5齡까지의 各種 未分化血球에서 觀察하였고, 모든型의 血球가 prohemocyte에 起源함을 밝혔다. 6. Plasmatocyte 와 podocyte 의 細胞質突起가 전용기 와 용기에 매우 길게 伸張함을 보아 vermiform cell 은 plasmatocyte 의 더 分化한 型이라고 생각된다.

Insect hemocytes during metamorphosis were studies by histchemical and autoradiographic methods is Pieris rapae (Lepidoptera). The hemocytes were classified into six types, prohemocytes, plasmatocytes, podocytes, granular hemocytes, spherule cells and oenocytoids on the basis of the transitions in shapes and inclnsions of cytoplasms. Proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and lipids in the hemocytes were detected histochemically from larval to pupal stages to learn the rise and fall of them during growth and metamorphosis. Most of the granules consisted of glycogen, neutral mucopolysaccharides and mucoprotein in addition to some granules of neutral fats and phospholipids were found in the granular hemocytes and spherule cells. Mitotic figures and DNA synthetic activities were observed in every type of hemocytes from 2nd to 5th instars, suggesting the all types of hemocytes originated from the prohemocytes. The cytoplasmic filaments of plasmatocytes and pdocytes extended very long in prepupa and pupa and the vermiform cells were the transformed plasmatocytes due to their further differentiation.
