The Preparation of bismuthsubnitrate

上東産 비스무트를 原料로한 次窒酸비스무트의 製造

  • 이용근 (延世大學校 理工大學 化學科)
  • Published : 19660900


The preparation of bismuthsubnitrate for the purpose of medicine, with both crude and refined bismuth metals, has been performed by applying the following methods: (A) Neutralization process, (B) Hydrolysis process. On the basis of results of a series of experiments, the following conclusion was obtained: 1) The quantitative determination showed that there was little difference between these two processes, in their yields. However the process (B), hydrolysis method was technically more simple than (A), neutralization method, and purity of final product by process (B) was found to be much more superior to (A). 2) It was found that bismuthsubnitrate products obtained from refined bismuth metal was almost the same with imported ones (Fisher, Squibb, etc.) in their purities.



  1. 大韓藥典註解 集賢社
  2. Batch 法에 의한 金屬비스무트의 帶精製 鄭重鉉(外)
  3. 無機製造化學 下卷 龜谷哲治
  4. 無機化學全集 IV