The effect of irradiation and pH on sporulation and growth of Piricularia oryzae CAV. on tomato juice media

Tomato 즙배지의 pH와 조사광선이 도열병균 분생포자생성 및 균사생장에 미치는 영향

  • Oh S. H. (Coll. Of Agr, Seoul Nation. Univ.) ;
  • Cho Y. S. (Coll. Of Agr, Seoul Nation. Univ.) ;
  • Lee S. C. (Institute of Plant Environment, O.R.D.)
  • Published : 1965.12.01


In an attempt to find a satisfactory environmental factors which facilitate abundant conidial production of Piriculariaoryzae Cav. on tomato juice media, various environmental factors were studied for their effect on sporulation and mycelial growth of the fungus. Those factors were conditions of irradiation, color of light, age of culture and pH of the media. l) Continuous exposure to fluorescent light (Mitsubish FL-20-35 W) produced more conidia and much mycelial growth than did intermittent photoperiods and darkness. 2) Of 3 cellophane filters and direct exposure to fluorescent light used, conidia were produced best under the direct exposure to the light. Conidial production in color filter conditions sequently decreased with red, yellow and blue. Growth of mycelium was not significantly different within colors. 3) Periodic irradiation of 12-hour unit brought about zones on mycelial growth no matter what the color filter was used. 4) Older cultures responding to the light were more stimulated by light than were the younger one in the conidia production, but maximum production of conidia was 48 hours of age in this case. 5) Color of the mycelial mat and the aerial mycelium seemed to have a close relation to the production of conidia. The more darkness of the mycelial mat was produced the more conidia and the much aerial mycelium was produced the least conidia. The color of mycelium was more dark under the continuous irradiation than continuous darkness, while the periodic irradiation showed intermediate effect. 6) The concentration of hydrogen ion for growth and sporulation of the fungus was investigated the ranges between 5 and 9. The best pH for the fungus was also noted at 7. whereas the below of pH 4 was not occurred any mycelial growth and sporulation.

Tomato 즙배지에서 도열병균의 분생포자형성 및 균사의 생장에 환경요인이 주는 영향을 연구하고자 우선 광선조사조건(광원, 조사광선의 색, 조사시간), 전배양기간, 배지의 산도 등에 관하여 조사함으로써 간편한 방법으로 단시일내에 병원균의 분생포자를 다량 생성시킬 수 있는 방법을 모색코자 본실험을 하였다. (1) 24시간 계속 형광등에 조사시킨 것이 암처리한 것이나, 주기적으로 조사한 것보다 분생포자생장 및 균사생장을 증가시켰다. (2) 무피복, 적색, 황색, 청색의 Cellophane을 투과시킨 형광등조사에서 무피복이 가장 분생포자형성이 많았고 적색 및 황색, 청색 순으로 감소하였으며 균사생장에는 유의차가 없었다. (3) 도열병균도 광선의 주기적인 조사에 의하여 광선의 색에 관계없이 수상생장을 나타냈다. (4) 전배양기간이 길수록 광선조사에 의하여 분생포자의 형성은 증가되었지만 48시간에서 가장 좋았다. (형광등구). (5) 균총의 착색정도와 공중균사의 발달정도는 분생포자형성과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것 같으며 암색일수록 분생포자의 생장은 많으며 공중균사가 많으면 분생포자생성은 감소하는 경향이 있었다. 24시간 계속조사시킨 것이 가장 암색을 나타냈고 주기적인 광선조사는 중간정도였다. (6) pH 5-9에서 분생포자 및 균사생장을 볼 수 있었는데 그 최적은 pH 7이었으며 pH4 이하의 산도에서는 전연 병균의 생장을 볼 수 없었다.
