On the sampling unit

표본점단위(標本點單位)에 대(對)하여

  • Published : 1965.02.28


1. The purpose of this study was to find out the best sampling form and sampling unit in forest survey. 2. The value of small sampling unit was over estimated in comparison with that of large sampling unit. 3. The value of circular form was over estimated in comparison with that of the others. 4. The smallest unit for estimation in area sampling were as follows. a) 0.06 ha. in the rectangular plot. b) 0.08 ha. in the square plot. c) 0.10 ha. in the circular plot. 5. Conclusion was as follows. The best sampling unit was 0.06 hectoare in the rectangular plot, which was most economic above all and gave preferable result for in the forest survey.

1) 본시험(本試驗)은 area sampling의 Form과 unit의 크기를 결정(決定)짓고져 행(行)하여진 실험(實驗)이다. 2) unit가 작은 것은 큰것에 비(比)해 과대추정치(過大推定値)를 주었다. 3) incular sample plot는 타(他)에 비(比)하여 과대추정치(過大推定値)를 준다. 4) area sampling에 있어서는 rectangular plot $0.06ha(20m{\times}30m)$가 가장 경제적(經濟的) unit가 된다. 또 circular plot를 사용(使用)할 때는 0.10 ha, square plot를 사용(使用)할 때는 0.08ha 보다 큰 unit를 사용(使用)해야만 population mean과 유의차(有意差)없어 추정(推定)할 수 있다.
