Hydrazonium Diphosphate, $N_2H_6H_4(PO_4)_2$의 結晶構造

The Crystal Structure of Hydroazonium Diphosphate, $N_2H_6H_4(PO_4)_2$

  • Koo, Chung-Hoe (Department of Chemistry, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences) ;
  • Ahn, Choong-Tai (Department of Chemistry, Korean Military Academy) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Ho (Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh)
  • 발행 : 19650900


Hydrazonium diphosphate 結晶은 單斜晶係에 屬하여 單位格子는 $a=4.52{\pm}0.02, b=8.06{\pm}0.03, c=10.74{\pm}0.03 {\AA}$${\beta}=100{\pm}0.5^{\circ}$이다. 單位格子속에는 2個의 化學單位가 들어있으며 空間群은 $P2_1/C$이다. 이 物質의 結晶構造를 Flourier 合成法과 Patterson 合成法에 依하여 決定하였다. $PO_4^{+++}$ 이온은 大略 regular 한 正四面體를 이루고 있으며 P-O 距離의 平均値는 $1.55{\AA}$이다. $N_2H_6^{++}$ 이온에서 N-N 距離는 $1.40{\AA}$이며 이값은 $N_2H_6SO_4$結晶에서의 값과 一致한다. 한 分子內에는 對稱의 中心이 있으며 各 N 原子는 2.62, 2.79 및 $2.89{\AA}$의 距離를 갖인 N…O型 水素結合을 이루고 있다. 또 다른 $PO_4^{+++}$이온 間에는 $2.63{\AA}$의 距離를 가진 한個의 O…O 水素結合을 이루고 있다. 이 物質의 構造는 上記한 N…O 및 O…O水素結合으로 三次元的 network를 이루고 있다.

Hydrazonium diphosphate crystallizes with the space-group symmetry $P2_1/C.$ There are two formular units of $N_2H_6H_4(PO_4)_2$ in the unit cell, for which $a = 4.52{\pm}0.02, b = 8.06{\pm}0.03, c = 10.74{\pm}0.03{\AA}\;and\; {\beta} = 100{\pm}0.5^{\circ}.$ The determination of the crystal structure was carried out by means of Patterson, Fourier and difference syntheses. The phosphate group has configuration of nearly regular tetrahedron with the mean P-O distance of $1.55{\AA}.$ The N-N distance found is $1.40{\AA},$ which corresponds to previously reported values for the $N_2H_6^{++} \;ion \;in\; N_2H_6SO_4.$ A molecule has a transform with a center of symmetry in it. Each nitrogen atom forms three hydrogen bonds with the N…O distances 2.62, 2.79 and $2.89{\AA}.$ And a O…O hydrogen bond between different phosphate groups is found with the distance $2.63{\AA}.$ The structure is held together by three-dimensional network of the strong hydrogen bonds.



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