Studies on Pathogenicity of Wheat Scab Fungus(Gibberella zeae) to Various Crop Seedlings

  • Chung H. W. ;
  • Chung H. S. ;
  • Chung B. J.
  • 발행 : 1964.12.01


1. 본 시험은 이병된 식물의 잔재물 또는 토양중에 있는 맥류적미병균(Gibberella zeae (Mont.) Sacc.)이 14종의 작물유묘에 미치는 병원성을 검정하고자 하였다. 2. 이들 작물은 병원균을 인공적으로 접종한 토양, 그리고 맥류적미병의 발생이 자연적으로 심했던 곳과 경했던 곳의 토양에 공시하여 본균에 대한 이병성을 검정하였다. 3. 인공접종시험에 있어서 보리, 밀, 호밀, 콩, 벼, 메밀, 옥수수, 목화, 녹두는 이병성이었고, 팥, 참깨, 수수, 무, 배추 등은 저항성을 나타내었다. 4. 인공접종시험에 있어서, 이병성작물의 발아율은 벼, 옥수수, 목화를 제외하고 접종토양과 배접종토양에 있어 현저한 유의차가 있었다. 아시전립고는 보리, 옥수수에서만, 아시후립고는 호밀, 밀, 벼, 메밀, 보리, 옥수수에서 일어났다. 이병성작물의 대부분은 제2차근이 거의 부패하였고 제1차근도 부패 내지 변색되어 있었다. 이병성작물은 초장이 접종토양과 비접종토양에 있어 현저한 유의차가 있었다. 5. 자연상태에서 맥류적미병의 발생이 심했던 곳과 경했던 곳의 토양에 보리, 밀, 호밀을 파종하였으나 본균에 의한 침해나 영향을 발견할 수 없었다.

1. Purpose of this experiment is to investigate the influence of wheat scab fungus(Gibberella zeae) remaining in soil or residues of infected plants to the growth of the seedlings of 14 different crops. 2. Susceptibility of these crops to the infection by G. zeae was investigated by planting these crops both to the artificially inoculated soils and naturally infected soils where both serious and light wheat scab epidemic have occurred previously. 3. In artifical inoculation tests, bailey, wheat, rye, soybean, rice, buckwheat, corn, cotton and greenbean has shown susceptible reaction, while indianbean, sesame, sorghum, chinese cabbage and radish has shown resistant reaction. 4. In artificial inoculation tests, there was significant difference in the germination ratio of the susceptible crops between the plants planted in inoculated soils and uninoculated soils with the exception of rice, com and cotton. Preemergence seedling blight was confined only to barley and corn, whereas postemergence seedling blight was confined to rye, wheat, rice buckwheat, barley and corn. la most of the susceptible crops secondary roots were almost rotted and the primary roots were either partially rotted or discolorated in inoculated soil. There was significant difference in the stem length of the plants grown in inoculated soils and uninoculated soils in susceptible crops. 5. No infection by G. zeae was observed when wheat, barley and rye plants were sown to the soils where both serious and light wheat scab epidemic occurred naturally.
