스칸듐定量을 위한 改良된 放射化分析法

An Improved Method for the Determination of Scandium by Neutron Activation Analysis

  • 발행 : 19640600


모나자이트中의 스칸디움含量을 더욱 簡便히 決定할 수 있도록 改良한 放射化分析法을 記述하였다. 즉 熱中性子束($10^{12}n/cm^2/sec$)에 照射된 試料에 스칸듐擔體와 黃酸을 넣고 加熱融解한 後 물로 稀釋한 試液에 암모니아水를 加하여 稀土類元素를 沈澱分離하였다. 沈澱을 鹽酸에 녹힌 다음 티오시안酸암모늄을 넣어 스칸듐을 에테르로 抽出하였다. 스칸듐의 化學的 回收率은 스칸듐을 만델린酸으로 沈澱시켜서 重量分析法에 依하여 決定하였다. 本分離法에 依한 스칸듐의 分離能과 共存元素의 放射能의 妨害與否는 이온交換樹脂를 使用하여 스칸듐을 分離한 結果와 比較檢討하였다. 스칸듐의 放射能은 Gamma-scintillation spectrometry 에 依하여 計測하였고 韓國産 모나자이트에는 約 12 p.p.m.의 스칸듐의 含有되어 있음을 알았다.

A rapid and simple method is described here for the determination of scandium in monazite by neutron activation analysis. The sample is irradiated for 20 hours at the neutron flux of $10^{12}$ thermal neutrons/$cm^2$/sec in the TRIGA MARK Ⅱ reactor, after which the sample is decomposed by fusion with concentrated sulfuric acid. The scandium-46 together with scandium carrier are separated from the irradiated sample by precipitating with ammonia, and are extracted by solvent extraction of the thiocyanate complex into ether. The induced radioactivity is measured by gamma scintillation spectrometry using the Multichannel Pulse Height Analyzer connected with 2"${\times}$2" NaI(Tl). The chemical yield is determined gravimetrically by precipitating scandium with mandelic acid. In order to check the efficiency of scandium separation and the errors from interfering activities of the other elements, scandium was separated by the cation exchange resin column, and the results from both samples were compared each other, which showed that the chemical procedure used in this work was as selective as the ion-exchange method with respect to scandium separation. The scandium contents in Korean monazite were found to be about 12 p. p. m.



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