Identification of the Causal Organism of Cereal Scab in Korea

한국에 발생하는 맥류의 적미병균의 동정

  • Published : 1964.10.01


Lee, Bae Ham, Rha, Min Keun and Choi, Tae joo (Dept. of Biology, Kon Kuk University). Identification of the causal organism of cereal scab in Korea. Kor. J. Microbiol. Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 25-27 (1964) Head blight or scab occurred in barley, wheat, rye and some other cereals widely in this country during the spring of 1963. The causal organisms were collected from 34local areas and isolated purely. All isolates identified as Gibberella zeae (Schw.) Petch. and Fusarium graminearum Schw. as conidial stage.
