Korean journal of applied entomology (한국응용곤충학회지)
- Volume 1
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- Pages.37-41
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- 1962
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
Varietal reaction of potato late blight in Korea
감자역병에 대한 품종간의 저항성차이에 관한 시험
Fifty three varieties of potatoes were planted at Alpine Potato Research station at Takwalyong Kangwando Province since in 1962. The varieties planted were introduced front Japan, the United States and Germany. The varietal reaction was divided into five classes, and the results were following. Immune : Kennebec, Isola, Cherokee, Merrimack, Yoraku, Lisili. Cosima. Highly Resistant : Antze, Ragis Isola, Hessenkrone, Plymouth, Sebago, Pungo, Sieglinde, Anco, Essex. Resistant : Tawa, B-605-10, Sequoia, Grata, Concordia, Onaway, Holing 1. Nisego. Susceptible: Nordak, Pontiac, Benimaru, Early Gem, Chippewa, Chitose, Ohjiro, Red Bake, Norland, Katahdin. Highly Susceptible: Russet Burbunk, May Queen, Earlaine, Irish Cobbler, Feldeslohn, Red Warba, Chisago, Osseo, Paunee. Warba, Norgleam, Red Beauty, Red Burt, Danshaku, Namchak (Native variety), In general the verieties introduced from the United States and Germany were more resistant to late blight than those introduced from Japan. Especially the German varieties were immune or highly resistant to the disease except Feldeslohn. Early maturing varieties were more susceptible to late blight than the late maturing varieties in southern Korea.
1. 시험은 1961과 1962년의 2개년에 걸쳐 대관령에서 미국, 일본, 독일계와 한국재래품종 53품종을 공시하여 감자역병에 대한 저항성을 조사할 것이다. 2. 본시험은 자연발병하에서 조사하였으며 항저성의 차이를 다섯 계급으로 구분하였는데 그 결과는 아래와 같다. 면역성품종...Kennebec, Isola, Cherokee, Merrimack, Yoraku, Lisili, Cosima. 고도저항성품종...Antze, Ragis Isola, Delus, Hessenkrone, Plymouth, Sebago, Pungo, Sieglinde, Anco, Essex. 저항성품종...Tawa, B-605-10, Sequoia, Grata, Concordia, Onaway, Noring 1, Nisego. 이병성품종...Nordak, Pontiac, Benimaru, Early gem, Chippewa, Chitose, Ohjiro, Red Bake, Norland, Katahdin. 고도이병성품종...Russet Burbunk, May Queen, Earlaine, Irish Cobbler, Feldeslohn, Red Warba, Chisago, Osseo, Paunee, Warba, Norgleam, Red Beauty, Red, Danshaku, Namchak(Native variety). 3. 만생종품종이 조생종보다 저항성이었다. 4. 일본계와 미국계도입품종보자 독일계도입품종이 저항성이 강한 편이었다.