The Absorption Spectra of Substituted Azoxybenzenes and the Additivity of the their Absorption Maxima

Azoxybenzene 系化合物들의 分光學的硏究 및 그 最大吸收波長의 加成性

  • Published : 19621200


The ultraviolet and visable absorption spectra of trans, cis-azoxybenzene, substituted azoxybenzenes and their conjugate acids have been studied. The 320-350$m{\mu}$ main bands of free-base of azoxybenzenes are due to ${\pi}{\to}{\pi}^{\ast}$ transition. These bands of their conjugate acids shown bathochromic shift into visible range. The following emperical relationship between absorption maxima of the main bands was found. ${\lambda}_{max}={\lambda}^{\circ}_{max}+{\Delta}{\lambda}_x+{\Delta}{\lambda}_y$ This relationship in terms of wave number is also hold in good agreement. ${\nu}={\nu}_{\circ}-({\Delta}{\nu}_x+{\Delta}{\nu}_y)$



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