It is thought that the adsorption isotherms in dyeing of cellulose by the direct cotton dyes are consisted of combined type of Langmuir and Freundlich as the opinion of Fujino, et al;$[D]_F=ab[D]_S/(1+b[D]_S)+k[D]_S$where a,b,k; constants, $[D]_F$; dye adsorption on the fiber, $[D]_S$; dye concentration in the bath. This means that the dyes adsorbed in cellulose present in the state of partly mono molecular and partly aggregate; the characteristic fading order curve will be expressed as the combined system of uniform particle size distribution and assumed that the slope of the theoretical models of Baxter, et al., and assumed that the slope of curve will be changed near the point of a, the saturation value of Langmuir isotherms in the above equation. Firstly, the theoretical fading rate curve was treated with small colour difference as the one step of experimental of above consideration.