市內에 있는 韓國産 水産통조림中의 주석 (Sn) 湧出量

Solubility of Tin in Canned Marine Foods on the Market

  • 원종훈 (釜山水産大學 製造學科)
  • Chong Hun Won (Department of Marine Products, Pusan Fishcries College)
  • 발행 : 19620200


韓國産 水産통조림을 主로한 市中통조림의 各種 200 個를 random으로 取해 dithiol-比色法으로 內容物中의 주석含有量을 測定함으로써 그 實體를 調査하였다. 種類別에서 보면 오징어통조림이 가장 基해서 150ppm 以上이 되는 것이 약 50%나 되고, 다음의 고등어의 約 30%고, 꽁치가 約 20%였다. 이것에 比해 檢出品인 락카통의 게통조림과 조개, 고래통조림 等은 全部 完全하였고, 其他 소라, 魚類통조림도 150ppm 以上되는 것은 거의 없었다. pH값과의 關係는 같은 種類에 있어서는 어떤 範圍를 中心하여 그 값이 낮아지거나 혹은 높아지면 溶出量이 增加되는 傾向이 보인다. 이 外에 製造條件이 明確한 것에 對해서 보면, 通過料와는 거의 關聯性이 없고 貯藏其間은 길수록 溶出量이 많아 12個月以上에서는 150ppm를 넘는 것이 많았다. 溶解와 固形物에 있어서의 分布는 그 大部分이 液計에 分布되어 있다.

The colorimetric estimation, by dithiol method, of the solubility of tin dissolved from the container the tin plate in some canned marine foods has been made on 200 cans of sample on the market. Some of them contained more than 150 ppm of Sn concentration were as follows; (1) ca. 50% of squid can, (2)ca. 30% of mackerel can, (3) ca. of saury can, (4) naught of crab, whale, clam(Japanese hard clams), fish meat ball, and Turbo cornutus one. (1) It had the tendency of increasing Sn concentration according to lowering or arising the value of pH. (2) No significant difference in Sn concentration was caused by the variation of the sort of tinning as H-D or E-T. (3) The longer the period of the storage the higher Sn concentration was found, and the concentration more than 150 ppm of Sn was generally found among the cans stored more than twelve months. (4) The concentration of Sn in the liquid was higher than in solid portion, and most of dissolved Sn was distributed in the liquid portion.



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  2. Report of Inspecor of Food no.7 G.S. Buchanan
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