Polarograph에 依한 分析方法을 利用하여 Ilmentite 鑛石에서 Titanium을 定量함에 있어서 鑛石을 酸처리하여 그 溶液을 器機에 提供함으로써 長時間 所要되는 在來의 分析方法을 避하여 迅速定量을 試圖하였다. 먼저 各種의 支待電解質에 對하여 檢詩하였으며 그 電解質에 對한 Titanium波의 定量感度와 共存하는 여러 Ion이 Titanium 波에 미치는 영향에 對하여 살폈다. 本實驗에서의 支待電解質로서는 근래에 Chelatometry$^{1)}$에서 많이 쓰이는 EDTA(Disodium etylenediamine tetraacetate)를 擇하였다. 支待電解質로서의 EDTA의 기초액 組成은 0,2M EDTA(pH=6)가 最適임을 알았다. 本支待電解質에서 Titanium의 Polarograph波가 大端히 良好하고 pH 6.3에서 $E_{1/2}$=-0.61V v.s. S.C.E.이면 또한 이 境遇에 濃度의 따라 波高가 比例하여 定量分析의 可能性을 보여 주었다.
Titanium in solution of EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) yield well-defined, reversible polarographic waves. In this report, a polarographic method for rapid determination of titanium in the Korean ilmenite was proposed, This polarographic method is based on the measurement of polarogram in the supporting electrolyte of EDTA. As the pH is increased the wave become more irreversible the diffusion current are diminished, and the half wave potential become more negative. In spite of the complication arising from numerous titanium species, in 0.2 M of EDTA, pH 6.3, the titanium waves are reproducible and analytically useful. In this medium titanium ion give well-defined reduction wave, and the half wave potential were -0.61V vs S.C.E. at pH 6.3. At the same time, the wave had a linear relationship between the concentration of titanium ion and the wave height. The Korean ilmenites were analyzed by this method and satisfactory results were obtained.