Studies of Mulberry Seedling preparation by Cattage Method. First Report. Studies of Mulberry Seedling Root preparation by Graving young Branches in Soil

재육채묘법에 관한 시험 제 1보 원묘의 생산법에 관한 시험

  • Published : 1962.09.01


This work was to develope a more simple producing method of mulberry seedling with lower cost than the normal grafting method and the conclusions were found as; 1. There was no difference for the production of the seedling root when the young mulberry branch was graved in soil at the time it grown as 60∼80cm height. 2. It was found that the best result was obtained in case of 15 to 20 young branches of a mulberry shoot were graved instead of whole of them. 3. The seedling root quality of the clay soil graved was found better than the sand soil used, but root producing quantity was found as the same. 4. The fertilizing at the time of the young branch graving was not effective and also the continual fertilizing seemed not to be effective. 5. The seedlings root production was found that Kairyo Nezumigaeshi was best and Ichihei, Suwon Daeyop, Shimano-Uchi, Suwon No.3 and Suwon No.4 were followed of it. But Rosoh was found as poor. Morus alba L. was found as a better Species than Morus Lhou(Ser) Koidz and Morus bombycis Koidz for the production of the seedling root and its quality.

가. 신소의 매복시기는 신소가 60~80cm 신장하게 되면 어느때에 행하여도 무방하다. 나. 모주 1주당 신소의 매복본수는 무제한으로 하면 발육불량으로 인한 불량 조수가 많아져서 원묘의 생산량이 많지 못하니 15~28본으로 제한 매복하는 것이 노력이 절약된다. 다. 원묘포의 토성으로서는 점질토에서 보다 사질양토에서 묘질은 좋아지지만 원묘의 생산량에는 차가 없다. 라. 신소를 매복할 때의 시비의 효과는 없으며 7~8월경에 주는 추비의 효과도 별로 없는 것 같다. 마. 상품종별로는 원묘의 생산량이 개량서반이 제일 많았고 시평 수원대엽 도내 용천추우 수원상 3호 및 수원상 4호는 중위정도였으며 노상이 가장 적었다. 일반적으로 백상 및 산상계의 상품종이 노상계의 상품종 보다 원묘의 생산량 및 묘질이 좋다.
