기후적 질서로 본 오대산 선식물상

  • 정영호 (서울대학교 식물학교실)
  • 발행 : 1961.10.01


The moss flora and it's geoecological study were made on Mt. Odae which is situated in the easterm part(37$^{\circ}$43'N. Lat., 128$^{\circ}$30' E. Long) of Korea. The total number ofmosses collected on Mt. Odae in the autumn of 1960 is 50 species, 1 varieties and 1 subspecies, belonging to 23 families. For climate index, Warmth index and Humidity index were calculaterd on Mt. Odae. From the result, it was known that the climate of Mt. Odae is Humid temperate climate and that it's vegetation zone is Deciduous broad-leaf forest zone. Moss Quotient of this mountain is 1.21 and it indicates that the plant climate of Mt. Odae is Hemicryptophytic climate. The moss flora of this mountain was discussed from the pnytogeographical point of view. The flora consists of the following elements: Holarctic element : 20 species (38.5%) North Pacific element: 1 (1.9%) Cosmopolian element: 6 (11.6%) Tropical element: 1 (1.9%) East Asiatic element: 12 (23.05%) Korean-Japan element: 12 (23.05%) Coefficient of closeness was also calculated between the moss flora of Mt. Odae and that of Mt. Sulak and Mt. Kwanak. It was known, therefore, that the flora relation between Mt. Odae and the Mt. Sulak was closer than that between Mt. Odae and Mt. Kwanak.
