페이퍼 에레크트로포레시스에 關한 硏究 (제1보) 계란단백의 移動度에 關하여

Studies on the Paper Electrophoresis, I On the Mobility of Egg Albumin(Ovalbumin)

  • Chang, Sei-Hun (Dept. of Chem., Coll. of Lib. Arts & Sci., Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim, Si-Joong (Dept. of Chem., Coll. of Lib. Arts & Sci., Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 19571100


The mobilities and the electrophoretic phenomena of human serum albumin, and of horse serum albumin, etc., on paper were reported, but there is no information about the mobility and the electrophoretic phenomena of ovalbumin. In this study they are determined and considered at various time durations. The mean value of this mobility is compared with the value determined by the electrophoresis in solution. Also, the mobilities of the electroendosmotic flow, which affect on the mobility seriously, are determined at various time durations. Apparatus and method used, are a closed system type and a method with electrode vessels. It is concluded that: 1) The mobilities of ovalbumin have the nearly constant mobilities at six and eight hours of time durations, but it decreases at ten hours of long time duration. Their mean value is (0.243 ${\pm}$ 0.003)cm./hr./v./cm. toward anode at pH 8.0. 2) Under these experimental conditions, ovalbumin cannot be separated into three fractions (A1, A2, A3) on paper. 3) Most of the factors, which affect on the mobility, are fixed by the initial experimental conditions, but the electroendosmotic flow due to the characteristic capillarity of paper is measured. Then, the mean value of its mobilities shows the good constancy, and the value is (0.073 ${\pm}$ 0.0003)cm/hr./v./cm. toward cathode at pH 8.0. 4) By the above facts, if the same paper and the same experimental conditions are chosen, it may be preferred to determine the mobility of the electroendosmotic flow once time, even when many observations are required.



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