Soft Team-Building Support System on Tender Evaluation Committees In Public Procuring Entities

  • Danlami Ebenezer SALLA (Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bayero University) ;
  • Shehu Ahmadu BUSTANI (Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bayero University) ;
  • Sani Usman KUNYA (Department of Building, Faculty of Environmental Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University) ;
  • Anas ADAMU (Salbrix Nigeria Limited) ;
  • Janet Mayowa NWAOGU (Department of Building and Real Estate, Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
  • Published : 2024.07.29


The Nigerian Public Procurement Act (PPA, 2007) is still lagging in its vague definition of the requisite qualifications for procurement managers. Hitherto, tender evaluation committees have been constituted arbitrarily without any feed-forward structure. An advanced close-ended support system for constituting tender evaluation committees is hereby presented. A theoretical concept was followed by a design science methodology. A deterministic team-building model for tender evaluation committees is demonstrated. The optimisation algorithm relies on an additive analytical sequence and a complex factoring of anticipated group interaction. Match models, which proactively determine the effects of complementary participation of team players were adapted. It is an emerging technical solution for a relatively ignored research concern, which now makes a scientific team-building processin procurement possible through itinerant simulation. The deterministic strategy was validated by a hypothetical entity case while augmenting a few data entries. A restrictive decision space was created to enable the determination, identification and composition of tender evaluation team members' inclusion criteria in a committee. A questionnaire drawn from ten (10) procurement managers from Nigeria helped validate the soft team-building model. The support system is inflexible for accommodating probabilistic entries where target data is discontinuous. Minimising the discretionary assemblage of personnel to evaluate tenders is a potential benefit of adopting the support system. Public procuring entities can deploy the soft team-building support system with little adjustments to accommodate entity-specific peculiarities.



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