Mobile-based Dimension Measurement for Precast Concrete Panels Using Deep Learning and Image Processing

  • Dinh Quang Duy (Department of Global Smart City, Faculty of Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Ganesh Kolappan Geetha (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bhilai)) ;
  • Sung-Han Sim (School of Civil, Architectural Engineering and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • Published : 2024.07.29


Presently, prefabricated concrete panels are extensively employed in diverse construction projects across the globe due to their exceptional quality. To maintain the overall quality of these construction projects, it is crucial to ensure that the dimensions of precast concrete panels align with their designated design specifications. Therefore, it is essential to develop a methodology capable of quickly and accurately measuring the dimensions of precast concrete panels. Currently, there are many advanced technologies used to examine the dimensions of prefabricated concrete panels such as terrestrial laser scanning, which is prone to time consuming and cost inefficiencies. To address these limitations, this study suggests a computer vision-based approach that utilizes April Tag markers and images taken from a mobile phone to measure and evaluate the dimensions and quality of precast concrete panels. The proposed algorithm operates as follows: Initially, the RGB image coordinates are converted to the world coordinate systems using April tag markers. Following, the masks of the precast concrete components are extracted using the state-of-the-art Segment Anything Model (SAM). Finally, an algorithm based on image processing technique is developed to estimate the dimensional properties of precast concrete panels. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through preliminary experiments conducted in the field-scale precast slabs, and the result is evaluated by comparing to the manual measurement result.



This research was conducted with the support of the "National R&D Project for Smart Construction Technology (RS-2020-KA156887)" funded by the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and managed by the Korea Expressway Corporation.


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