IM (Interindustry-Macro) Model on the Construction Sector

  • KwangHyuk Im (School of Technology, Lumpkin College of Business and Technology, Eastern Illinois University)
  • 발행 : 2024.07.29


The construction sector, in relation to human's residential issues, serves as the cornerstone of societal systems, economic security, the national economy, individuals and households, economic activity, national safety, management, business, and government. Also, the essential sectors, such as electric power generation, transmission, and distribution, and natural gas distribution, water, sewage, and stormwater systems, and so on, form the heart of our social system. These essential sectors of our society provide core goods and services for continuous public health services, construction services, government operations, multiple businesses, and national and economic safety. Therefore, those systems are the cornerstone of our society, and strengthening their security and resilience is of utmost significance. However, the existing framework for assessing and evaluating the problems with regard to those systems lacks efficient methods and mechanisms. The main objective of this research is to define correlations between different infrastructures within an economic system to strengthen the resilience and security of the construction sector. This study will be conducted to identify physical relationships between different industries within an economic system and to define deterministic relationships through the values of interconnectedness and interdependency. In addition, this research attempts to complete a probabilistic estimation of economic impacts using historical economic data and to develop an assessment model that can be used in the future to measure economic impact in terms of the construction sector. In case of loss in the construction sector due to exogenous factors, identifying which critical infrastructures or sectors will be the most affected will help minimize the risks and property damages. Furthermore, improving the resiliency of the construction sector will help speed recovery from or resistance to unpredictable external elements.



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