Q-learning for tunnel excavation schedule

  • Shuhan YANG (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong) ;
  • Ke DAI (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong) ;
  • Zhihao REN (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong) ;
  • Jung In KIM (Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong) ;
  • Bin XUE (School of Public Policy and Administration, Chongqing University) ;
  • Dan WANG (School of Public Policy and Administration, Chongqing University) ;
  • Wooyong JUNG (Department of Nuclear Power Plant Engineering, KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School)
  • Published : 2024.07.29


Construction planners for hard rock tunnel projects often encounter practical challenges caused by inherent uncertainties in ground conditions and resource constraints. Therefore, planners cannot rapidly generate optimal excavation schedules for the shortest project durations with a given equipment fleet by considering the uncertainties in ground conditions. Although some schedule optimization methods exist, they are not tailored for resource-constrained hard rock tunnel projects. To overcome these limitations, the authors specified a formal Q-learning-based schedule optimization methodology for resource-constrained hard rock tunnel projects. States are defined according to the locations of tunnel faces under excavation. Actions consist of multiple and comprehensive heuristic-based rules, which are efficient methods for resource allocation. Rewards are the time intervals required between current states and next states. After that, the methodology is validated using a case study. The generated Q tables indicate (1) best actions under different states and (2) the shortest remaining durations when the project starts from specific (state, action) pairs. The results demonstrate that the optimal schedules can be obtained by applying the proposed methodology. Furthermore, it is beneficial for planners to rapidly assign optimal rules for each state under one ground condition scenario. The results further show the potential to consider the uncertainties in ground conditions using the information of possible ground condition scenarios provided.



The support of the General Research Fund of the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (#21212019) and City University of Hong Kong (#9239027) is gratefully acknowledged.


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