Evaluation of the Utilization of Carbon Dioxide Microbubble Mixing Water for Mineral Carbonation of Cement Materials

시멘트 재료의 광물탄산화를 위한 이산화탄소 마이크로버블 배합수 활용성 평가

  • Published : 2023.11.10


In this study, the characteristics of cement were analyzed using carbon dioxide microbubble water as a mixed water for mineral carbonation of cement materials. Carbon dioxide reacts with the calcium compound of cement to produce calcium carbonate and affects the initial strength improvement. Therefore, in this study, temperature, air content, thermal analysis, and compressive strength tests were conducted to confirm the reaction between cement materials and carbon dioxide. As a result of the measurement, the reaction between cement and carbon dioxide was confirmed in a specimen using carbon dioxide microbubble water as a mixed water, which affected the initial strength improvement.



본 연구는 한국정부가 지원하는 NRF(National Research Foundation of Korea) 지원금으로 이루어졌습니다(2019R1A2C1088029호).


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