Analysis of Backside Temperature according to Joint and Installation Types of Mortar with Oyster Shells

굴 패각을 혼입한 모르타르의 접합방식 및 설치 형태에 따른 이면온도 분석

  • Published : 2023.11.10


The purpose of this study is to manufacture mortars incorporating oyster shells and install them in the form of shaped, shaped butt joints, and flat boards to see what difference there is in the back temperature depending on the joint method and the type of installation. Based on the fact that similar backside temperatures were measured regardless of the presence or absence of a joint It is judged that the joint will not affect the backside temperature if it is constructed closely, In the case of ㄱ shaped, it is believed that the backside temperature higher than the backside temperature of the flat board was measured because heat accumulates on the backside during heating.



본 논문은 2022년 한국연구재단(교육부)의 지역대학우수과학자지원사업(과제번호: 2022-0636-02)의 일환으로 수행된 연구임을 밝히며 이에 감사를 드립니다.


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