AI 알고리즘을 활용한 스마트 수레 카트 서비스

Smart Trolley Service Using AI Algorithm

  • 발행 : 2022.11.21


This paper is about the development of an automatic stair climbing trolley for carrying loads without manpower. The design of tri-wheeled structure and center of mass enable the trolley to move on flat ground and also to ascend stairs by self-balancing. The overall design enables the trolley to avoid collision to walls when the trolley rotates on domestic landings. When the camera recognizes the stair, the sensor measures distance from the trolley to the stair. Then the trolley can move to align itself in the middle of the stair and it starts climbing. It can ascend to a specific floor based on the floor number entered by the user. As a result, the automatic stair climbing trolley is expected to help humans by protecting from accidents of dropping loads and saving their power. It is also expected to use for various purposes such as delivering packages, moving and carrying heavy loads in buildings without elevator.



논문은 과학기술정보통신부 정보통신창의인재양성사업의 지원을 통해 수행한 ICT멘토링 프로젝트 결과물입니다.