Effect of Underwater Pumping on the Strength of High-Strength Grout

수중펌프압송이 고강도 그라우트의 강도에 미치는 영향

  • 김범휘 (고려대학교, 건설재료연구실) ;
  • 이종구 (고려대학교, 건축사회환경공학과)
  • Published : 2022.11.10


The use of high-strength grout for facility foundations and bridges has recently been expanding in offshore wind farms. Offshore wind farms require a bearing capacity for horizontal loads such as wind, waves. Therefore, in this study, the strength of the high-strength grout discharged through pump pressure was measured and compared with the existing strength to secure the strength after the underwater pump pressure of the high-strength grout used in the offshore wind connection. The compressive strength measurement showed that the strength difference at each position of the core specimen was 1% higher than that of the other specimens, and there was almost no change in the strength according to the height. The strength of the core specimen decreased by 23% compared to the existing strength, which is similar to the result of this study because the strength of the core specimen decreased by approximately 25% compared to the general specimen according to related research. Therefore, it is believed that there is no decrease in strength due to underwater pumping.



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