한국컴퓨터정보학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference)
- 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2022년도 제66차 하계학술대회논문집 30권2호
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- Pages.631-632
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- 2022
차량 안전용 비행 시간 측정(TOF) 센서
Time-of-flight(TOF) Sensors for Vehicle Safety
- Shin, Seong-Yoon (School of Computer Info. & Comm. Eng., Kunsan National University) ;
- Cho, Seung-Pyo (H-Braine Co. Ltd.) ;
- Lee, Hyun-Chang (Dept. of Digital Contents Eng. Wonkwang University) ;
- Shin, Kwang-Seong (Dept. of Digital Contents Eng. Wonkwang University)
- 발행 : 2022.07.13