Subsurface structure of a sunspot inferred from umbral flashes

  • 발행 : 2021.10.13


Sunspots' subsurface structure is an important subject to explain their stability and energy transport. Previous studies suggested two models for the subsurface structure of sunspots: monolithic model and cluster model. However, it is not revealed which model is more plausible so far. We obtain clues about the subsurface structure of sunspots by analyzing the motion of umbral flashes observed by the IRIS Mg II 2796Å slit-jaw images (SJI). The umbral flashes are believed as shock phenomena developed from upward propagating slow magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves. If the MHD waves are generated by convective motion below sunspots, the apparent origin of the umbral flashes known as oscillation center will indicate the horizontal position of convection cells. Thus, the distribution of the oscillation centers is useful to investigate the subsurface structure of sunspots. We analyze the spatial distribution of oscillation centers in the merged sunspot. As a result, we found that the oscillation centers distributed over the whole umbra regardless of the convergent interface between two merged sunspots. It implies that the subsurface structure of the sunspot is not much different from the convergent interface, and supports that many field-free gaps may exist below the umbra as the cluster model expected. For more concrete results, we should confirm that the oscillation centers determined by the umbral flashes accurately reflect the position of wave sources.
