Merging, Recoiling, or Slingshotting of Supermassive Black Holes in a Red AGN 1659+1834

  • 발행 : 2021.04.13


We report the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) Integral Field Unit (IFU) observation of a red active galactic nucleus (AGN), 2MASSJ165939.7+183436 (1659+1834). 1659+1834 is a prospective merging supermassive black hole (SMBH) candidate due to its merging features and double-peaked broad emission lines. The double-peaked broad emission lines are kinematically separated by 3000 km/s, with the SMBH of each component weighing at 10^8.9 and 10^7.1 solar mass. Our GMOS IFU observation reveals that the two components of the double-peaked broad emission line are spatially separated by 0.085" (~250pc). In different assumptions for the line fitting, however, a null (<0.05") or a larger spatial separation (~0.15") are also possible. For this GMOS IFU observational results of 1659+1834, various models can be viable solutions, such as the disk emitter and multiple SMBH models. We believe that these results show the need for future research of finding more multiple SMBH systems in red AGNs.
