Ex situ Conservation of the Cypripedium gutttum SW. Seedlings from Asymbiotically Germination and Adaption on High Land in Korea

멸종위기 털복주머니란 현지 외 보전 및 고랭지 적응성 검토

  • Joung Kwan Lee (ChungCheongBuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service) ;
  • Young Hee Kwon (ChungCheongBuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service) ;
  • Yoon Sun Huh (ChungCheongBuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service) ;
  • Hee Kyu Kim (ChungCheongBuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service) ;
  • Kyung Ok Kim (ChungCheongBuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service) ;
  • Won Il Choi (ChungCheongBuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service) ;
  • Ju Hyoung Kim (ChungCheongBuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service) ;
  • Mi Jin Jeong (Korea National Arboretum) ;
  • Sung Won Son (Korea National Arboretum)
  • Published : 2020.08.14


Background : The genus Cypripediums are typically adapted to the low temperature and cold climates of the high land in Korea. The species which were reported in Korean peninsula are C.japonicum, C.macranthos, C.calceolus and C.guttatum. We had already reported the successful germination of the C.macranthos and C.guttatum. The small spotted lady's slipper orchid(C.guttatum) is most endangered plants to extinction of which population was reported less than 100 in Korea. The objective of the present research is restoration of the C.guttatum in ex situ and adaptation in high land and nursery. Methods and Results : The 350 seedlings of C.guttatum were transplanted in soil at alpine area(altitude 750m) and the nursery of Korea National Arboretum(KNA) in YangPyeong city on May 2019 and 2020 in order to verify the possibility of ex situ restoration. The sprouted ratio of the seedlings were less than 10% in the alpine area and 83% in the nursery of KNA. The reasons of the diverse survival ratio are presumed as the low moisture content in the soil and heavy shade of the alpine area. The 15 cypripedium species and 29 hybrids were also effectively adapted in the KNA rare plant garden. Conclusion : These results demonstrated the difficulties of the restoration for small spotted lady's slipper orchid in the natural habitation. From the above results, we may conclude that the critical factors of the genus Cypripedium are intensive care for the fragile seedlings during the 1st year acclimatization.



본 연구는 국립수목원 「희귀 특산식물 보전 및 복원 인프라 구축」의 위탁연구과제 「Cypripedium속 희귀식물 대량증식 및 육묘법 개발 연구」 (과제번호 KNA-20-CG-8)" 사업의 지원을 받아 수행되었습니다.