이 논문은 국토교통부 국토교통기술촉진연구사업 (과제번호: 20CTAP-C157880-01)의 연구비 지원에 의해 수행되었습니다.
This study measured the mechanical performance and residual strength of high strength/normal strength mortar mixed with waste glass fine aggregate after alkali-silica reaction and alkali-silica reaction. As a result, the effect of improving the slip phenomenon of the waste glass fine aggregate in the high-strength mortar was not significant, but rather the amount of ASR was increased.
이 논문은 국토교통부 국토교통기술촉진연구사업 (과제번호: 20CTAP-C157880-01)의 연구비 지원에 의해 수행되었습니다.