Galaxy overdensity around sub-mm sources from SPT-SZ survey

  • KIM, Yeonsik (Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Shim, Hyujin (Department of Earth Science Education, Kyungpook National University)
  • 발행 : 2020.10.13


We study the overdensity of near-infrared sources around 508 sub-mm sources classified as dusty galaxies in the SPT-SZ survey catalog observed in 95 GHz (3.15 mm), 150 GHz (2 mm) and 250 GHz (1.2 mm) bands. We used the VISTA hemisphere survey data release 6 (VHS DR6) catalog covering the J, H, Ks bands. The mean number of galaxies within a radius of 60 arcsec (corresponding to about 500 kpc at z=2) from 500 randomly selected positions is 14.4, while the galaxy number distribution is approximated as a Gaussian with a standard deviation of 7.9. From the 2500 deg2 of SPT-SZ survey + VHS DR6 data, there were 27 sub-mm sources that have galaxy overdensity higher than 4σ. We present color-magnitude diagram around 27 selected sub-mm sources with enhanced galaxy surface densities, in order to investigate the presence of structure around sub-mm sources.
