Experimental Study of Error Canceling on the Piercing Depth of Concrete by Single Shot and Barrage of Small Caliber Bullets

소구경 탄자 연발사격 시 콘크리트 관입깊이 오차 상쇄 실험 연구

  • 임채연 (육군사관학교 토목환경학과) ;
  • 김국주 (육군사관학교 토목환경학과) ;
  • 박영준 (육군사관학교 토목환경학과)
  • Published : 2019.11.01


Major influence factors for piercing depth of concrete against small caliber bullet are target's property such as compression strength of concrete and bullet's property such as the velocity and weight of it. In particular about the bullet's property, velocity and incidence angle could be controlled by specific position or distance between targets and shooter, but the angle of yaw of bullet dose not. Because the the angle of yaw of bullet causes lower piercing force of bullet, some errors on piercing depth of concrete could be appeared by live fire test for the evaluation of protective performance. Therefore, we have checked the error canceling effect on the piercing depth of concrete by single shot and barrage of small caiber bullets. As a result, we identified that the error of piercing depth by the angle of yaw of bullet could be cancelled by barrage.
