Supported by : 중소벤처부
Recently, the demand for smart farms is increasing due to the increase in the cultivation area such as horticulture, fruit trees and special crops. However, due to the irregular weather changes and the cultivation method of the crops due to the different cultivation environment, there are frequent occurrence of diseases and insect pests and infectious diseases due to system error or carelessness, and the cycle is also very short. In addition, the Smart Farm business has been built by combining various sensors (temperature, humidity, CO2, illumination) and LED lighting, but it is costly in terms of frequent errors, lack of power supply, And thus the management can not be efficiently managed. Therefore, this paper combines real time sensing technology based on IoT Platform and high performance control technology to control pests and equipment errors and monitor the growth status of crops in real time based on big data analysis and Artificial Intelligence System.
Supported by : 중소벤처부