Empirical Analysis on the Influence of Service Quality of Leisure Food E-Commerce in China on Consumer Satisfaction Degree

중국 레저푸드 전자상거래의 서비스 품질이 소비자 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증분석

  • Liu, Zi-Yang (Dept. of Global Business Kyonggi University) ;
  • Meng, Jia (Dept. of Global Business Kyonggi University)
  • Published : 2019.07.10


This thesis determines the research framework and scale design of leisure food E-Commerce consumer satisfaction degree by referring to previous theoretical model of customer satisfaction degree, the universal satisfaction evaluation index system, and the characteristics of leisure food E-Commerce in China. In this research, consumers who have bought leisure food online are taken as the research object, data are collected by questionnaires, and exploratory factor method is used to screen valid sample data. Through the Empirical Analysis which includes Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Reliability and Validity Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, it is concluded that website design, logistics delivery service, commodity quality, and after-sales service are the main service quality on which the Leisure food E-Commerce enterprises should take focus. The service quality has significant positive influences on satisfaction degree. On the other hand consumer satisfaction has a significant positive influence on customer loyalty, which will create more earnings for the Leisure food E-Commerce enterprises.
