• 발행 : 2019.04.10


The CHIMPS2 survey is to extend the JCMT HARP $^{13}CO/C^{18}O$ J=3-2 Inner Milky-Way Plane Survey (CHIMPS) and the ${12}^CO$ J=3-2 survey (COHRS) into the inner Galactic Plane, the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), and a section of the Outer Plane. When combined with the complementary $^{12}CO/^{13}CO/C^{18}O$ J=1-0 survey at the Nobeyama 45m (FUGIN) at matching 15" resolution and sensitivity, and other current CO surveys, the results will provide a complete set of transition data with which to calculate accurate column densities, gas temperatures and turbulent Mach numbers. These will be used to: analyze molecular cloud properties across a range of Galactic environments; map the star-formation efficiency (SFE) and dense-gas mass fraction (DGMF) in molecular gas as a function of position in the Galaxy and its relation to the nature of the turbulence within molecular clouds; determine Galactic structure as traced by molecular gas and star formation; constrain cloud-formation models; study the relationship of filaments to star formation; test current models of the gas kinematics and stability in the Galactic center region and the flow of gas from the disc. It will also provide an invaluable legacy data set for JCMT that will not be superseded for several decades. In this poster, we will present the current status of the CHIMPS2.
