Exoplanet Science Cases with Small Telescope Network

  • 발행 : 2019.10.14


Based on our experience on exoplanet transit observation, we propose the exoplanet science cases with Small Telescope Network. One is the follow-up observation for validation of exoplanet candidates. TESS(Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) is pouring out exoplanet candidates in bright stars(V<15) on all the sky. Since Small Telescope Network will consist of 0.5-1m telescopes, we will expect to produce promising outcomes from the follow-up observation of bright candidates. Next is the transit time observation. By spectroscopy of space and large telescopes during transit event, it can be possible to find the bio signatures in exoplanet atmosphere. So, in terms of cost, it is critical to determine the exact time of transit event. In addition, detecting the variation of transit time can reveal another exoplanet and exomoon in the system. In order to determine the transit time and its variation, the accumulation of transit event data is more important than the quality of photometric data. We expect that it can be a challenging project of Small Telescope Network.
