Repair and Replacement Methodology for Electrical Equipment Used in Nuclear Power Plants

원자력발전소 전기기기의 보수, 교체 방법론

  • Published : 2018.07.03


After Fukushima nuclear accident at 2011, nuclear industrial has been focused on operation and maintenance phase, not design and construction phase. Continued good operating performance of nuclear power plants has been the best critical issue to nuclear utilities. Replacement for complete components as well as parts of components is being procured because nuclear utilities must maintain safety and reliability of operating nuclear power plants. However, many suppliers and manufacturers are giving up a nuclear quality assurance program under reduction in new construction of nuclear power plants. It is able to be increased difficulty in procuring spare parts to support operations and maintenance of nuclear power plants. Over 20% of nuclear power plant equipment in some countries is obsolete. Owing to obsolescence of nuclear safety-related items and/or withdrawing a nuclear quality assurance program of suppliers and manufactures, some replacement item and part might be procured to the item not covered by appendix B to USNRC 10 CFR Part 50. Under various methods of the nuclear repair and replacement methodology, utilities are supposed to establish a typical program for a repair and replacement of an electrical equipment and its parts in conjunction with a nuclear quality assurance. Concerning this typical program, this study suggests the repair and replacement methodology of electrical equipments used in nuclear power plants by procurement of a power supply, based on nuclear regulations, codes, standards, guidelines, specific and general technical information, etc..
