Special Issue of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea (대한조선학회 특별논문집)
- 2017.10a
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- Pages.59-62
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- 2017
Hull Form Development of 5,000TEU Class Container Carrier considering the Operation Profile
Operation Profile을 고려한 5,000TEU급 컨테이너선 선형개발
- Kim, Jin-Woo (Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co., LTD) ;
- Park, Sung-Woo (Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co., LTD) ;
- Lee, Pyung-Kuk (Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co., LTD) ;
Lee, Wang-Soo
(Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction Co., LTD) ;
- Sun, Jae-Ouk (DNV-GL)
- Published : 2017.10.30
Recently oil price has got lower, but energy efficiency has been considered as an important factor to minimize ship operational costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For the reason, it is necessary that energy efficiency improvement for hull form design and operational performance reflect an understanding of the vessel's operational profile. Throughout the life of the vessel, this can lead to important economies of fuel, even if, in some cases, a small penalty can be taken for design condition. In the present paper, hull form was developed for 5,000TEU class container carrier at given operation profile. As a CFD result at several design point, optimized hull form has improved resistance performance in comparison with the basis hull form. To reducing the viscosity and the wave resistance at multi draft and multi speed, the hull form was investigated for Cp-curve, frame and local shape. Numerical study has been performed using WAVIS & Star-CCM+ and verified by model test in the towing tank.