Study on Infortance and Regulatory Guide of Protective Coating in Nuclear Power Plant

원자력발전소 방호도장 중요성 및 규제기준에 관한 고찰

  • 임상준 (한국수력원자력 중앙연구원)
  • Published : 2017.11.16


Protective coatings at nuclear power plants should be designed to withstand exposure to ambient conditions during normal operation or design-basis accidents. However, there was a change in the perception of the protective coating to the revision of the Regulatory Guidelines by the NRC in July 2000. In other words, maintenance guidelines have been strengthened in order to minimize the clogging of the cooling water system due to the substances in the containment building. Therefore, KHNP, the contractor and operator of the nuclear power plant, plans to develop the coating system for nuclear power plants in accordance with the regulation, and plans to develop its own coating expert.
