Building the Milky Way bulge from globular clusters: Evidence from low-resolution spectroscopy for the red clump stars

  • 발행 : 2017.10.10


The presence of double red clump (RC; metal-rich counterpart of horizontal-branch) in high latitude field of the Milky Way (MW) bulge is widely interpreted as evidence for an X-shaped structure originated from the bar instability. However, Lee et al. (2015) recently suggested an alternative model, according to which the double RC is metal-rich manifestation of multiple stellar population phenomenon observed in globular clusters (GCs). Here we show that stars in bright RC are enhanced in CN compared to those in faint RC from our low-resolution spectroscopy. CN traces N, and N-rich stars are also enhanced in Na and He in GCs. Since GCs are the only environment that produce second generation stars with enhanced N, Na, & He, this is a direct evidence that stars in the classical bulge component of the MW were mostly provided by proto-GCs.
