Uncovering galaxy individuality with multiplexed integral field spectroscopy.

  • 발행 : 2017.04.10


There is a rich diversity of galaxy properties and we are starting to understand some of the drivers for differences between galaxies. Much progress has been has been made in the last decade, thanks in large part to massively multiplexed surveys using single fibres, but we still lack a complete picture of how galaxies are built. I will discuss how large-scale integral field surveys can address a number of the outstanding questions in the field, starting with the current SAMI Galaxy Survey, and then looking towards the Hector instrument that will carry out integral field surveys of order 50,000-100,000 galaxies. With SAMI we can start to address how mass and environment influence galaxy structure and history, and I will discuss examples such as the environmental quenching of star formation and the distribution of angular momentum. With larger samples afforded by Hector we can go beyond simply mass and environment, to separate galaxies based on their merger or accretion history, as well as their larger-scale environment.
