Relation of CME Speed and Magnetic Helicity in the Source Region during Increasing Phase of Solar Cycle 24

  • Published : 2016.10.12


We examined the relations between CME speed and properties of magnetic helicity in the source region such as helicity injection rate and total unsigned magnetic flux, which reflect the magnetic energy in the active region. For this, we selected 22 CMEs occurred during the increasing phase of solar cycle 24, which shows extremely low activities and classified them into two groups according to evolution pattern of helicity injection rate. We then compared the relations with those from previous study based on the events in solar cycle 23. As the results, we found several properties as follows: (1) Both of CME speed and helicity parameters have very small values since we only considered increasing phase; (2) among 22 CMEs, only 6 events (27%) are classified as group B, which show sign reversal of helicity injection and they follow behind of appearance of group A events. This fact is well coincide with the trend of solar cycle 23 that only group A events was observed in the first 3 years of the period; (3) as the solar activity is increasing, the CME speed and helicity parameters are also increasing. Based on the observations of solar cycle 23, the helicity parameters was still increasing in spite of decreasing solar activity after maximum period.
