Intermediate polar: V1323 Her = RXS J180340.0+401214: Return to High Luminosity State

  • 발행 : 2014.04.10


The intermediate polar V1323 Her = RXS J180340.0+401214 returned from its faint state 19.4-20.5 mag (mean brightness during the run, the instrumental system close to R or clear filter) (vsnet-alert 16958). On March 1, 2014, the brightness was 17.50 (clear filter) and next night 17.8 (R). During previous observations on January 24, the object was 19.6. We reported this findings to vsnet-alert 16958 and to The Astronomer's Telegramm (ATel #5944). The characteristics of the runs obtained before/after a switch between the high and low states will be presented.
