Far-ultraviolet study of the GSH006-15+7: A local Galactic supershell

  • Jo, Young-Soo (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)) ;
  • Min, Kyoung-Wook (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)) ;
  • Seon, Kwang-Il (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI))
  • 발행 : 2014.04.10


GSH 006-15+7 is a Milky Way supershell discovered by Moss et al. (2012). This supershell shows large shell-like structures in H I velocity maps. We have analyzed FUV emission for the supershell regions based on the FIMS and GALEX observations. Bright FUV flux at the boundaries of the supershell is mostly originated from dust scattering of FUV photons by dust clouds which was also observed at the boundaries of the supershell. We could find the distance to the supershell can be closer more than 30% compared with the distance of 1500 pc suggested by Moss et al. (2012) from the dust scattering simulation. And we also found the albedo and the phase function asymmetry factor of interstellar grains were 0.30 and 0.40, respectively. The confidence range for the albedo covers the theoretical value of 0.40, but g-factor is rather smaller than the theoretical value of 0.65. The small g-factor might mean the environment of turbulent ISM of the supershell. Meanwhile, the excess of C IV and X-ray emissions in the inside of the supershell can support the existence of hot gas and cooling in the supershell. And the C IV and X-ray emissions are monotonically decrease as away from the center of the SNR. This indicates the size of the hot bubble has considerably shrunk. We applied a simple simulation model to the PDR candidate region of the lower part of the supershell and obtained a H2 column density N(H2) = 1017.0-18.0 cm-2 and total hydrogen density nH ${\geq}$ 10 cm-3. This result shows the PDR candidate region represents a transition region from the warm phase to the cool phase in the PDR.
