Trend and Implications of Merger&Acquisitions of Construction Industry in Korea

건설 분야 M&A의 동향과 시사점

  • 김진호 (동명대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2013.11.15


In the recent years, the subject of the M&A of construction company has become one of important issue in the domestic construction industry. Therefore, the purpose of this research consider the rational plans of M&A not only for systematizing types about process of M&A in construction industry, but also for analyzing the significant characteristic of M&A in korea. To achieve this objective, this research performs a case study of M&A to embody the major trend and implications. The results of this research based on this methodology can be systematized as falling into two areas : 1)the primary types of M&A were divided into 4 categories by analyzing the results of interview, 2)the process of M& A from the result of case study.
