한국컴퓨터정보학회:학술대회논문집 (Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference)
- 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2013년도 제48차 하계학술발표논문집 21권2호
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- Pages.105-108
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- 2013
UCC의 실제적 활용을 위한 계획
Plans for practical utilization of UCC
- Park, Sungbum (Department of Management Planning, National Information Society Agency) ;
- Lee, Sangwon (Division of Information and Electronic Commerce, Wonkwang University)
- 발행 : 2013.07.17
The commercialization of UCC was already initiated, and there are some successful cases like 'YouTube.' However, the development level of UCC is not mature, stable yet. It's because most of the UCC users are young people and the contents are mainly about humor, funny, minor story. In other words, the practical use of UCC is not totally popularized but partly active. Therefore we want to think out 'how UCC can be utilized by many people and applicable to many industries.' UCC has enough possibility to be advanced, and it will greatly influence the society. In this paper, we will first explain Web 2.0 and the present conditions of online movies. After analyzing the problems and limitation of today, we will propose some suggestions for plans for practical utilization of UCC.