Proceedings of The Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Conference (한국농림기상학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2012.07a
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- Pages.10-14
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- 2012
Growth and yield response among rice, barley and soybean cultivars in Korea under the future climate projected by RCP 8.5 emission scenario
신 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 벼, 보리, 콩의 생육 및 수량 반응 비교
Kim, J.H.
(National Center for Agro-Meteolorogy, Seoul National University) ;
Kim, D.J.
(National Center for Agro-Meteolorogy, Seoul National University) ;
Kim, S.O.
(National Center for Agro-Meteolorogy, Seoul National University) ;
Yun, J.I.
(Department of Ecological Engineering, Kyung Hee University)
- Published : 2012.07.19